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December 2013

I confess!

I have 7 projects started!  I don't think that I have had so many projects going at one time (7- yikes!!!!).  The International Hermit and Stitch Weekend is starting, and it couldn't be a more perfect time for me to wrap some of these up: 

Wedding1. wedding announcement cards: BIG project- not sure if I will get to it this weekend



Freebie2. A freebie from a magazine: I don't have the actual pattern, which makes it a little tricky.  I was at a bookstore, and found the kit on the floor.  I told the clerk working at the store, and he said "oh, just keep it".  :) 


Needlebook3. A pretty needlebook: my first one, and I couldn't resist starting it!



 4. Heart_bagScandinavian heart bag: You have to stick your hand in the bag to stitch it, and the directions say to stitch upside down- interesting!



 5. PuDaisychain ABC:  I am all the way up to the letter X now- will definitely try to finish this by Sunday. 



Stamped6. stamped cross-stitch kit: I can't help it, I do love to have a stamped project going.  This is what I first learned stitching with, when I was a little girl.  There is a great company that makes some beautiful kits. 


7. shhhhh: a project that someone reading this blog might see (I am hoping that it will be a gift for Christmas next year.) I will give you a hint- it is a JBW design. 

Happy Stitching Everyone!  To join this group visit this blog: International Hermit and Stitch Weekend

Always, ~Jaime

a little star

Xmas StarWhen it is hard to concentrate with lots of things going on, I find nothing more relaxing than stitching a small project.  If you celebrate the holidays, I hope that you can make time for stitching and the things YOU enjoy!Always, ~Jaime 

Project Details:

 Kit from Scandinavian Stitches, designed by Lynda Baldauf, Danish Flower Thread 

French Toast Alert

Xmas BagsFRENCH TOAST ALERT- go to the market to buy milk, eggs, and bread because it is snowing!  It is a joke here in snowy climates, that when there is snowfall in the forcast to run to the store for a French toast alert to buy milk, eggs, and bread.  It is funny.  The forcast is for around 8-12 inches of snowflakes.  I had two errands to run today: bank and post office.  There was an energy in the air as people are trying to run around to get everything in before it started snowing.  There was a long line at the bank, and at the post office the line was out the door with people mailing holiday cards and sending packages.  There is a thrill of beating the snow.  You can smell the snow in the air, and often there are a few flakes flying giving you a taste for what is coming.  There certainly is a magical quality about it, especially during the holiday season. I made it home in time after having lunch with my cousin, when we saw the snow coming down heavily, we kind of rushed out the door.  Time to cozy up with some stitching and make some gingerbread.  I love snow days.  If you don't live in a snowy climate, I hope that you have days with perfect excuses for staying indoors for some quiet time. 

Always, ~Jaime 

Project Details: 

  • Kit from Scandinavian Stitches
  • Thread- Danish Flower Thread
  • Design from Christiane Dahlbeck book Wintertraume


a break

Xmas_stitchOn Monday I finally finished my masters degree in library science.  I am so relieved that it is done.  I have been working on it for a while, and also working full-time.  My school work has been taking up a lot of space in my brain, and now my brain is tired.  I decided to take a break with some Chirstmas stitching.  I don't usually stitch for Chirstmas, and am often not really into the Christmas spirit.  This year I find different.  I seem to be excited for it, and not worrying like I usually do about presents, and shopping, and getting ready and the millions of other things. I am going to finish a few things, and then will post them. 

Always, ~Jaime