Block Project
Tuesday, June 03, 2014
I don't think that I have ever tried to work on a project from a book! I have lots, and lots of embroidery and cross-stitch books, but I don't think that I have actually used one to make a project, until now. It was a great project! There are two people I know who recently had babies, for which I wasn't really sure what to do for a gift, or really if I should give a gift. I did want to make something, but nothing too complicated, and I also wasn't sure about what colors to do, etc. I happened to think to myself to look in this particular book: S is for Sttich: 52 Embroidered Alphabet Designs and Charming Projects for Little Ones.
I fell in love with the block pattern, and loved the idea of embroidering the baby's name on the blocks. I am rather novice at sewing, but everything seemed to come out okay, and I found a little more confidence with the sewing.
how cute! You did a great job sewing it up
Posted by: wendy | Thursday, June 05, 2014 at 08:10 AM