Lavender Wool
Kitchen Table Quilt

Barnwood Buttons

This project has been at this point in my stash for a long time.  I may have even written another blog post about it!  I have really struggled with this project for some reason.  I love the color of the linen that I choose, but it is quite dark.  There is also something funny about the weave of it, where it is very tight, and I find it really hard to see the holes.  I bought this beautiful frame to put it on, which seems to help.  I am going to really try to finish this in 2022, because I would love to have it framed, and I have the perfect spot for it on a wall between the kitchen and living room.  If I could just get it finished!  Maybe committing it here will help increase my motivation to move it on to some sort of stitching schedule. :) 


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